I began researching for this article when I felt all hope is gone. The reason I tell you this is that I’m all now about living positively, in a life we have designed and one that is full of happiness. Thanks to the discovery that I have five things that I shall permanently remain positive about, because they’re in me and shall always remain within my control.
So what’re the five things that you should always remain positive about, especially to take you through your low moments?
This is my take
1 Your Health
I love the saying ‘if there’s nothing wrong with your health, you do not have a problem’. I do not fully believe in it but it definitely makes sense. When we are born, the only other thing we have in common is that we are going to die.
The discovery that your health is the most important asset you have is a very important one. No matter how much money you have or the car you drive, they’re completely useless if you’re not healthy.
When all is low, just remember that you’re alive and healthy and you have the rest of your life infront of you. There’s no greater achievement than the gift of life.
2 There’s always tomorrow
Have you ever worried about something a lot, maybe because of impatience, then woken up the next day and found out that you really don’t care about the problem anymore?
It’s always happened to me. The truth is tomorrow will be here just like today was, no matter how bad things are going or how serious things may seem. It shall be there when you wake up and give you hundreds more of opportunities.
This does not mean you put off thing to tomorrow, it means you realize that you still have the time to turn things around and improve the situation.
3 Your potential
There are people in this world who are billionaires. Others invented the internet, discovered gravity, electricity and even the everyday gadgets we use everybody. Do you know the difference between you and these people??
Nothing. Absolutely nothing.
Some people never realize their full potential because they believe that success and fame are left for people more fortunate than them. Do you think Bill Gates woke up and decided just to do his thing? No way, he just had an idea of what he wanted and set out to achieve it.
You have the potential to be anyone and do anything you want; our time on this planet gives us amazing
chances and opportunities don’t waste it because you feel like you have no hope. You have as good a
chance to change the world as anybody else; you just have to realize it.
People made millions, people saved lives, you are a person, and you can do the same.
4 Things could be worse
Things could be worse; I can assuredly say this could be true in at least 99% of the situations we find ourselves in.
Believe it that no matter what situation you are in now, it could degenerate further. If you’re struggling to pay your next bill, count yourself lucky that you still have that roof over your head. If you’ve just divorced your wife, it’s not like all the other women in the world have disappeared. When you want to you can still go out there and get yourself another wife.
Life is abundant, don’t take your current situation as the worst it could be, because more often than not, things could be a whole level worse than you can imagine.
5 You’ll come out stronger
This is the most important of them all when you’re really low. Take every experience of hardship as a lesson that can only make you stronger. This is something that you’ve probably heard a 101 times because it’s true.
Think of any hard time in your life, whether it’s
- losing your job
- losing someone close to you
- Going through a divorce
- Getting robbed / beaten up/ mugged ( I’ve had two of these)
- Being financially unstable
If you’ve been through any of these and come out the other side then you know that the experiences have made you stronger as a person and helped you understand other aspects of life. Be thankful for the challenges you’ve encountered already, because on the other side there’s always a new you with a lot more strength than the old one.